Sharing Juneau’s Trails
Used with the permission of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game
A Powerpoint presentation by Stephanie Sell, Juneau Area Management Biologist, ADF&G
November 17, 2017 DzH Middle School Library Juneau, Alaska
Screen 1.
Screen 2.
Screen 3.
Screen 4.
Screen 5.
Screen 6.
Screen 7.
Screen 8.
Screen 9.
Screen 10. Some of the Juneau trails where ADF&G regulations permit trapping beyond 50 yards
from the trail. Between 50 yards from the trail and ¼ mile from the trail,
the traps must be elevated at least 5 feet above the ground and snow
and the trap may not have a jaw spread of more than 5 inches.
Beyond ¼ mile from the trail, any legal trapping gear may be used.
Screen 11.
Screen 12.
Screen 13.
Screen 14.
Screen 15.
Screen 16.
Screen 17.
Screen 18.
Screen 19.
Used with the permission of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game