December 13, 2024
Welcome to the
Grateful Dogs of Juneau
Become a member of Grateful Dogs
of Juneau.
Membership Application
for 2025
Annual Holiday Pet Food Drive under way.
The 2024 pet food drive ends Saturday, December
Donations are accepted at Juneau Animal Rescue
and at PETCO.
Thanks to PETCO and Juneau Animal Rescue for
their assistance with the pet food drive.
Hunting Season resumes on Sunday, December 15 for 2 weeks.
The waterfowl hunting season in Juneau area will
end at sunset on December 31.
Seasons in the Juneau Area started November 1, 2024.
Keep you
and your dog safe. Get information on trapping seasons,
regulations, closed areas around trails and roads, and releasing
your dog from traps here.
Your Dog from a Trap: CLICK HERE
Fall-Winter Dog
Regulations -- begin to take effect during September.
Fall-Winter dog regulations for Juneau parks, recreation
areas, and trails take effect September 30.
Sandy Beach
From September 30 till May 1, the beach area in
front of the picnic shelters at Sandy Beach is
an on-leash or competent voice control area.
The area around the picnic shelters and the
surrounding playground are on-leash year round.
Rainforest Trail - From September
30 till May 1, the Rain Forest Trail is an on-leash
or competent voice control trail.
Sports Fields - From October
16 - March 14, all fenced park sports fields are off
leash areas for exercise and dog training purposes
with the exception of all artificial fields.
Fields are open during park hours Sunday through
Saturday with the exception of school hours.
Fields are closed to use during the school day.
Signs are posted at each site with rules regarding
that area's usage.
The Grateful
Dogs Of Juneau reminds dog owners to read the signs that
are posted at CBJ parks and sport fields for up-to-date
information on the regulations that are in effect. Click here to view the regulations. If you
have questions about the rules for dogs in your favorite
CBJ park or recreation area, contact the CBJ Parks and
Recreation Department.
Basin Road is closes to motor vehicle traffic
from November 1 until April
Basin Road is a good area to walk your dog
during the Winter when motorized access is limited to only
essential vehicles. Some years the road ices over and can be unsafe
for people and dogs to walk.
Grateful Dogs is about you and your dog in the out of doors in
Juneau. Grateful Dogs advocates on behalf of responsible
dog owners in Juneau to maintain access to public trails,
beaches, parks, and open spaces.
Grateful Dogs believes in
multiple use of public areas. Grateful Dogs believes that
responsible dog owners and other members of the public can
co-exist in public spaces.
Grateful Dogs seeks to be a
responsible and representative voice in the community on behalf
of responsible dog owners.
Grateful Dogs devotes much of its
efforts and attention to the issue of dog poop in the community,
not by choice but as a matter of necessity. Dog poop is
the primary issue that divides the dog owners and the non-dog
owning community in Juneau. Abandoned dog poop is the
primary motivation behind efforts to ban or otherwise limit the
areas that dogs can use in Juneau. Getting the dog
poop issue under control would be a significant step toward
greater acceptance and freedom for dogs in the community.
Grateful Dogs has worked with the local office of Fish
and Game, the Juneau International Airport, the US
Forest Service, CBJ Parks & Recreation, and other
agencies to benefit responsible dog owners and to
promote joint use of public lands. |
Dates for Dog People
September 1 Waterfowl Hunting Season
begins on Mendenhall Wetlands and in Southeast Alaska.
hunting is closed December 31.
September 30 thru May 1
Sandy Beach, the beach area in
front of the picnic shelters at Sandy Beach is
an on-leash or competent voice control area.
The area around the picnic shelters and the
surrounding playground is on-leash year round.
Rainforest Trail is an on-leash
or competent voice control trail.
16 thru March 14 -- All fenced park sports
fields are off leash areas for exercise and dog training
purposes with the exception of all artificial turf fields.
Fields are open during park hours Sunday through Saturday with
the exception of school hours. Fields are closed to
use during the school day.
November 1 --
Trapping season begins for certain species in the Juneau area and continues till
May 15. The trapping seasons for most furbearer
species are open for a shorter time frame within this time period. Check Alaska
Department of Fish and Game regulations for detailed
Trapping Seasons in the Juneau Area
for Wolf and Coyote usually close April 30.
November 1 --
Basin Road is closed to motor vehicle traffic until April
15. This is a good area to walk your dog.
Some years the road ices over and can be unsafe to walk
for people and dogs.
December 31 Waterfowl Hunting Season
ends on Mendenhall Wetlands and in Southeast Alaska.
(In odd
numbered years Waterfowl Hunting Season begins September 1 and
closes on December 16 of that year.)
March 15 --
Dog Regulations take effect for CBJ Parks & Recreation sports
fields. From
March 15-October
16, all fenced park sports fields are:
(1) Open weekdays until 3:00 p.m. unless
school is in session. Fields closed during school
hours. Signage posted at each site with rules
regarding that area's usage.
(2) Closed Saturdays due to high sports use.
(3) Open Sundays during park hours.
Signs are posted at each site with rules regarding
that area's usage.
April 15 --
Basin Road is open to motor vehicle traffic until November
1. This is a good area to walk your dog.
Watch for cars and wildlife.
May 1 -- Rain Forest Trail and
part of
Sandy Beach become "on-leash areas" thru September 30.
Check signs in area to see if on-leash rules are in effect.
September 1 Waterfowl Hunting Season
begins on Mendenhall Wetlands and in Southeast Alaska.
hunting is closed December 31.

up after your dog: The Grateful Dogs of Juneau
reminds dog owners to pick up after their dogs. In
recent years, dog owners have made great strides in
promoting a dog friendly community by cleaning up after
their dogs. If we continue to clean up after our
dogs, we can make Juneau an even more attractive place
to live and a more dog friendly community.
SAFE in the dark
you and your dog safe after dark: With
long winter nights, the Grateful Dogs Of Juneau reminds
dog owners to use reflective clothing and safety lights
both on themselves and on their dogs, when walking or
jogging with their dogs after dark. Dogs and
pedestrians that are not visible to drivers are a
Dog owners should do all that they
can to keep themselves and their dogs safe when walking
or jogging after dark. Appropriate safety clothing
and lights for you and your dog are readily available at
several stores in the community.
Posters Available
for download
"Pick Up After Your Dog"
Click Here
Click here to download and view
(8.5 x 11) posters.

Click here to download and view
(8.5 x 11) posters.
Access to the West Side of the
Mendenhall Wetlands. The road to
the golf course is not to be used by dog walkers. The golf course road
is private property and the CBJ has insisted that
the owners of the golf course fence their property
off. This mostly has to do with access for
emergency vehicles should a plane crash happen, as
well as the owner's liability for people on their
property. People will have to park on the east side
of that end of Industrial Blvd. (along the white
fence that runs along Miller Const. gravel yard).
The CBJ has posted "No Parking" signs on the west
side of the road.
The Alaska Department of Fish
and Game, Juneau Game Office has installed a trash
can at the trail head.
New PSA Available
Click here to
for the Grateful Dogs of Juneau
membership application for 2025
** Contact Grateful Dogs
of Juneau at
December 13, 2024 |